yea tml finali gng out. altho its under e sun aka. sentosa (mi most hatest place) bt i cn live wid tt. since tis term holidae start i owaes go out to go to e library..[lame!] 4 a project. cn u believe it rite b4 holidae mi teach giv us a project to do n its an indiviual project. i tink he don reali nod e concept of holidae..[as in all fun n no work or in tis case STRESS] damn man! y dey owaes hav to kil our fun tym. holidae don reali km often especiali since we all hav to go 4 our attachment soon. tts nt fair.. n to top tis off we hav to rite or type a report on tis project 4 1000 words krazy rite who cn rite tis mani words.. he is definitly insane. wot eva! anw tmls gna b great cos aft sentosa joan n i r gna watch movie "handsome suit" n its free! yea! we nv watch movie tog 4 veri long tym le. finali gna watch movie tog n its free. hope e a/c is cold enough cos aft a dae in e sun i reali don wna b sweatin. hates sun n sweat. i'll b in e shade e whole tym at sentosa [wun b caught dead in e sun. well blog again tml, i tink, if im up to it.
cha nei! ~.~*
♥ wo yi zi zai 第 二 顺 位 ai zhe ni ♥
# posted by Reiko | 12:05 AM